Grammar Monster Busters 2

Author : - Price :  205    205.00
Binding : Paperback Pages :
ISBN No : 9789386340870 Web Support : Yes

Our Grammar series- Grammar Monster Buster are books which have all the ingredients of a perfect book. Grammar as we are all aware, is a subject which needs to be taught with a lot of care. A comma or a full stop at the wrong place can change the meaning of the entire sentence. We have chapters devoted to each of these finer nuances which add beauty to what we write. Loads of examples and lots of exercises help the student in understanding the proper usage of each part of speech, tenses, genders and much more. We have used a very simple method of teaching- the language used is uncomplicated and the examples given are objects from our surroundings so that the students would relate to the topic. Common errors have also been mentioned for the benefit of the students so that they do not commit a mistake. We have ensured that most of the chapters that were taught in the earlier grades have continued in the future grades too, with more information of course.

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